The 2018 Moosehead grant applications are now open
The applications for the 2018 Moosehead grant applications are now open.
The Mooseheads are about funding shows and artists that are exciting and different. They get behind an idea and love it a bit more because it is mental and overly ambitious.
Now in its 31st year, the Moosehead has supported, encouraged and nurtured over sixty acts since 1987, including the likes of Sam Simmons, Judith Lucy, David Quirk, Asher Treleaven and Justin Hamilton as Moosehead alumni.
To put it simply, the Mooseheads are a really cool award.
If you have an original, brave, funny, innovative show idea burning inside of you – perfect for the Melbourne International Comedy Festival – click here to read through the application process.
Applications close on Wednesday 20 September, 2017.