Judith Lucy’s brand new podcast is out now
Australia’s beloved Judith Lucy has teamed up with ABC to bring you Judith Lucy: Overwhelmed and Dying.
“Well it’s finally here, the podcast the nation has been crying out for: Judith Lucy Overwhelmed and Dying. If I listen to it one more time I’ll throw up but you never know, you might enjoy it. Hopefully it will make you feel better about the world and the fact that you’re not me.” – Judith Lucy
This all new series sees Judith explore the deep heartache she has experienced over the last few year, first as a result of her brother’s death and more recently due to the breakdown of a long-term relationship.
Motivated by her own despair, this podcast is Judith’s attempt at trying to work out how we can all feel less overwhelmed: about climate change, the state of the world, getting older and being single – potentially forever.
Oh, and it’s also a search for purpose and meaning. Yeah, this stuff is going to get deep.
So, great news Australia! Judith Lucy is going to solve her problems, and yours, over the course of a mere 8 episodes, simply by chatting to some experts and having some vaguely humiliating experiences so you don’t have to.
You’ll laugh, you’ll cry and you’ll be absolutely thrilled that you are not Judith Lucy. If you don’t trust us, surely, you’ll be believe Denise Scott … “When will my friend Judith Lucy stop making me sick with her brilliance? For the love of god I’ve heard first ep. of her podcast and it’s fantastic. Disgustingly good!! Give me a break sister.” Listen now.
In a similar vein, if you fancy catching Judith talk about her misfortunes live on stage, then head over here and check out her touring dates for Judith Lucy vs Men.
You won’t be disappointed.