Lizzy Hoo, Sez & Elaine Crombie to host grand finals for the next generation of stand-ups

Big news for Australia's next generation of stand-up comedians! Melbourne Comedy Festival have just announced Lizzy Hoo as the host of the RAW Comedy National Grand Final on Sunday 13 April at Melbourne Town Hall! Past participants have included Anne EdmondsHannah Gadsby, Ronny Chieng, Celia Pacquola and Aaron Chen, so enjoy the stars of tomorrow competing in Australia's premier open mic comedy showdown to be the next Comedy Champion - one punchline at a time!

In yet more exciting news for upcoming comedians and those hoping to enjoy the future of comedy ahead of the curve, Sez will host the Class Clowns National Grand Final on Thursday 3 April at Melbourne Town Hall. Students have been working hard to rehearse and refine their act with the help of a professional comedian and now a select few will join Sez in the National Grand Final for a chance to win a cash prize of $1500!

Capping off Melbourne Comedy Festivals celebration of tomorrow's stars is Deadly Funny; the national comedy competition unearthing the freshest and funniest First Nations talent from across the country. Deadly Funny has helped propel Steph Tisdell, Dane SimpsonElaine Crombie, Jay Wymarra, and many more to stardom, and now Elaine Crombie returns to host the 2025 National Grand Final on Monday 14 April, with the Deadly Funny crown and a $3,000 cash prize up for grabs!

See Sez and Lizzy Hoo help the stars of tomorrow brave the stage, and then enjoy their live shows!

Lizzy Hoo smiles gently to the camera as her voluminous brown hair flies upwards in a V. She is turned slightly to her right. She wears a crisp white skivvy under a pink satin V neck topped dress with one large white button on it. She has large, translucent pink framed glasses on. Her right hand is up and almost closed, except for her index finger which sits above the others as if she is about to place it on her chin. The background is orange.
Deja Hoo

Victoria Hotel
27 Mar - 20 Apr

Seen on Shaun Micallef’s Origin Odyssey, Have You Been Paying Attention?, and Question Everything.

Sez stands front on to the camera, her lips pursed but smiling and her eyes looking up and to her left. Her head is tilted slightly to her right. Her long, brown ever-so-slightly wavy hair falls below her shoulders. She holds an omnicord, resting it on top of her head with her hands gently holding it at either end. She has a bouzouki (eight-stringed traditional European musical instrument) with a short neck slung over her left shoulder with a thin black nylon strap. Sez wears a green track suit top with a black, purple and blue stripe across the chest. The background is a grey blue.
Keeps Me Young

Victoria Hotel
27 Mar – 20 Apr

Musical comedian and internet freak Sez has the show for you!