Sam Simmons announces last minute run at the 2019 Melbourne Comedy Festival
In a typically unorganised fashion and proving his status as the true master of mystique, Sam Simmons has announced a last minute run of his new show at the 2019 Melbourne Comedy Festival!
After smashing his season at the Adelaide Fringe, the demand for Melbourne fans to see the all-time king of silliness has been too much for Sam to ignore. And he’s got a few life hacks to share.
Are you sick of getting sand in your bathers at the beach? Got linty jeans? Don’t know how to eat a chicken wing in public? Bendy elbows getting you down? Does your face look all shit in the mirror? Or are you just really sick of spoons?
Sam Simmons has all the answers for you.
With an even longer show title than last year, Sam is back and here to give you the life advice you never knew you needed. Like did you know that if give a warm boiled egg to the bus driver, whilst you simultaneously pop a radish up your arse… then you ride for the bus for free.
This is self-help Sam Simmons style, so God help us all.
Sam wants to make you the best version of yourself so do yourself a favour and see 26 Things You’ve Been Doing Wrong With San Simmons – and no, it’s not a typo.
26 Things You’ve Been Doing Wrong With San Simmons runs for one week only at Melbourne International Comedy Festival from 2 – 7 April. Get tickets here.